Thursday, February 21, 2019

It has been a bad spell for Michigan videos--I can't find the Maryland at Michigan full game nor the bad Penn State (last place) loss.

So we'll have to watch Maryland at Iowa.  I don't really want to watch the whole thing, but they are mentioning Bruno Fernando a lot.

Beilein did show some contrition, still it was indelicate, as the British would say.  Jim Harbaugh too has acted and Mike Dann looks like a nice free agent and the depth and all the rest may very well lead to favorite status in the Big Ten East.  Coach always uses the offseason to reinvent and build optimism.

We will forgive Beilein because he still has to swim in the water with the other fish.  Overall he is a 4-star if not higher.

The immediate task is Minnesota, and don't get distracted, Michigan State is right around the corner.  Dupree is a good name for large basketball player.    The Gophers are tough and their schedule has been difficult.  It will not be easy at all, but a top team should...

It is fun to listen to another game with familiar names, but I'll be sure to catch tonight's game live.  Uh oh, Fernando out with fouls.  Maryland won.

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