Tuesday, April 25, 2017


In other news today, (Gareon) "Conley is either a horrible animal or..."  We'll see about that one as it hasn't qualified as news yet (TMZ and 247sports notwithstanding).  EDIT:  It appears to be a very large hotel room.  Relatively speaking Jourdan Lewis is going to come out pretty clean.  Ordinarily having a woman hanging on your leg hardly makes the news.

The weekend's entertainment featured Auston Robertson, and he is one of those players (!) who also makes a lot of other people look bad.  The previous group effort thing appears to be headed toward Title IX penalties and that means--if the prosecutor totally punts on it--there is really nothing more there except everyone should have behaved better and the penalties can still be stiff.  Mark Dantonio is going to suffer with poor football teams and a rapid change in trajectory.  Larry Nassar?  You can't fire or blame just about everyone for not sticking their neck out against him.

Regarding Gareon Conley:  Someone is lying.  Police report.  She was administered a rape test in a hospital.

Apparently her story is questionable as Conley seems to be on his way.  Why was I interested?  Probably to learn the (fictitious) sordid details of his behavior.  It is a bad habit and a tough one to break.  Probably it is just because I don't think football player is such a great thing to do as a career.

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