Tuesday, February 25, 2020

GARTHAG?  This sure is an interesting link.  I know that Kansas and Baylor look awfully good, but Minnesota and Penn State?

Minnesota probably is better than their record and I don't know why people are calling for Pitino's job.  They do survive on a lot of transfers.

Penn State beat Michigan too.  Michigan may see one or both in the B1G tournament.  Until then, Wisconsin appears beatable at home and Ohio State and Maryland away will both be difficult.

What Michigan will do with the scholarship situation is a mystery.  They are one over and still recruiting; Isaiah Todd may or may not arrive and everyone is saying Joshua Christopher may replace him if it comes to that.  I'm not a huge fan of coach's sons, but it happens and all indications are Josh is an energetic player and good teammate.  If, and only if, it would be a bold and generous move to pay the tuition and walk on.

It makes good sense to push the numbers, which is something John Beilein would not do.  The team was usually under the scholarship limit under Belein.

On top of that there are rumors Austin Davis could come back.  Who'da thunk it.  Castleton has potential; Nunez and Jaron Faulds (I guess he isn't on scholarship), do not.

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