Thursday, March 6, 2025


This Michigan basketball team is fake and a fraud and Dusty May was incredibly lucky for a long while.  Michigan basketball lacks talent and depth.  Turnovers and dumb plays continue.  Aside from Goldin there is no offensive scheme; Wolf makes as many mistakes and turnovers as he does points and rebounds and the rest of the team are minor contributors.  It is the same lineup doing the same things for weeks.  They are all multi-year compensated, major conference players.  There is no change or improvement.  It is not going to happen this year and it may never happen with this lineup. 

Wolf may mature.  Gayle, Donaldson, Burnett, and Tschetter are not going to be different next year, if they stay.

It has always been hard to watch, but at least they were winning.  Ever since taking the Big Ten lead, and the Purdue and Michigan State beatdowns, it has been downhill.

Maryland missed shot after shot and Michigan couldn't do a damn thing.

At home.

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