Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Weiss and others

"Matt Weiss already exists.  Do you want to overwrite it?"

It is not worth doing again or even finding the image.  But co-offensive coordinator Matt Weiss, he of the $850,000 salary, is gone.  It was one of those things--you don't get two weeks notice, severance, or even a lot of (unsupervised) time to clean out your office.  "For cause" will forever hang over it.

In the image, he appears disheveled, unshaven, and lacking sleep.  They think you are smarter if you look like that.  Plus, it makes it look like the job is almost impossible to perform and it requires 20 hours a day 24/7.  Only the best and the brightest can do it with that kind of stress and work load.

The position could otherwise be described as a cakewalk.  "Catch the ball and run" might be the extent of the required verbal skills.  Despite all the hiring and firing news, it is not a meritocracy; instead it is all about fitting-in, following instructions, and getting along.  How else could the same person be brilliant one year and effete or incompetent the next?  But of course all the uprooting, moves, and family tension has to be worth it.  Just don't mention that word...  It is not inconsequential!

Entitlement is the word, not empowerment.  It comes with a fat head. The facts are not clear because Harbaugh and Manuel haven't said a thing. I am trying to cure the addiction of following stuff like this, but at least I can claim it purely as a non-vocational diversion.  I do not get paid.  It is a way to relax.  Probably is is also a continuing effort to rationalize why I never liked the place anyway.

Weiss was accused of unauthorized computer access and breaking the university/employee agreement, code, or online user agreement.  Per journalists and gossip, an IT employee reported it.  The breaches occurred more than once and over several days.  They were tracked to Schembechler Hall and Weiss.

I infer it was a university system as campus police responded to Weiss's home.  I also assume no serious harm was done because nothing else legal occurred.  It appears it was intentional and proven.

How stupid is that?


Weiss will land somewhere because he has the resume and it is all about connections and loyalty; wins don't hurt either.

How someone makes their money is always a comment on character.


So that is what Jett Howard looks like.  Thankfully for all, it is not likely that I will be joining the team.  If I did, I would not wear a BLM patch.  And if I were Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, or from any of the other 191 countries in the world, I would question it also.

Please lose and remove Juwan Howard ASAP.  I check the scores.  I hope they lose.  It is way more than the patch.

Think about it.  How bad will the team be when he runs out of kids?

Which brings me to...  I looked for something from mgoblog and Brian Cook; you know, click bait and all.  This writer doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone in the Howard family drafted or playing in the NBA.  Same goes for PFF ratings and the NFL draft.  Reposting from ESPN doesn't help a lot either; at least add that every one of the names on the transfer out list was a problem or non-contributor.

Finally, if Harbaugh is guilty of a Level II violation he is guilty.  Known or should have known is not that vague.

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