Sunday, November 29, 2020

Penn State

 It was a shit show like no other.  The announcers weren't even there.

Who the hell is Adam Shibley?  



First, Giles Jackson had a great game against Rutgers.  Bloggers never delete or retract, they leave it there for all to see.

Penn State looks prepared--perfect in their execution.  Michigan's lines are getting creamed on both sides of the ball.  Speight and the middle linebacker are nonexistent.  Penn State is winning every one on one match-up; Michigan players do not come off their blocks.  Same on offense--blocking for 5-yard passes but no holes.

Jeter.  Kemp.  

RE Chris Evans:

"He missed all of last year with a touchdown."

Boy is this game pathetic.  Hassan Haskins is a competitor.  The only reason Michigan is in it is that it is Penn State.  And vise versa.  Look, Cade McNamara isn't that great.  Sorry he is injured, but 5-yard passes weren't really the cure.  He is tiny and isn't a good runner either; it was only a matter of time.

If the O-line--suddenly--continues to open gaping holes like they suddenly have, there is hope.  With Milton, otherwise, there is none because...

The Michigan defense is terrible.  Individual players are not at fault because only the people in charge of the whole thing are responsible for the whole thing.  At Michigan it is not Jim Harbaugh.  It is not a coalition of defensive coaches either.  It is Don Brown.

I think Joe Milton...  Does he think the game is practice?  It looks like he isn't even trying.  Low.  High.  Same 'ol story:  one in five is not good enough.

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